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implementing string pattern matching using dfas

using dfas for string pattern matching.

jul 5, 20242,018 views

ricing macos

my macos rice.

nov 1, 202310,732 views

how i organise my life

in this post, i share the apps and the simplistic approach i use to organise my life.

aug 3, 20236,462 views

why i switched from neovim to vscode

a few weeks ago i made the switch from neovim to vscode as my primary code editor. here's why.

jun 23, 2023

everything i installed on my new mac

i recently got a new mac and decided to document everything i installed on it. this is a list of all the apps and tools i installed and will use on a daily basis.

jun 2, 202314,097 views

rust: not just zoom zoom fast

explore the versatility of rust beyond performance and memory safety with its well-designed language, package manager, and ecosystem.

feb 25, 20239,948 views

implementing the pipe operator in typescript

the pipe operator is one of my favourite features in functional languages like elixir and ocaml. let's implement it in typescript!

jan 21, 202323,539 views

expressive code with pattern matching

elevate your code by writing declarative, and easy-to-read code with pattern matching.

dec 29, 20222,512 views

typesafe database queries on the edge

edge computing is all the rage. learn how to get typesafe access to data on the edge using kysely, prisma and planetscale.

nov 12, 20225,805 views

my developer workflow using wsl, tmux and neovim

i live on the terminal now. learn about the tools i use set up a productive developer environment.

aug 16, 202280,913 views

t3 stack and my most popular open source project ever

create-t3-app recently reached 100 stars on github and is my most popular open source project. learn more about it!

jun 27, 202220,408 views

create licenses for your projects right from the terminal

i made a cli in rust to generate licenses for open source projects.

mar 25, 2022

i made a wordle clone

nexdle is a wordle clone made with react, typescript, tailwindcss, vite, zustand and tested with vitest.

mar 21, 20222,543 views